
The modern field of medicine has provided the world with so many advancements in this day and age. There are thousands of different medications and supplements out there, all with a purpose of their own. Spermidine is one such supplement that you may or may not have heard of.

Spermidine is a polyamine that is commonly found in a variety of living things. It is found in human sperm, broccoli, oranges, whole grains, green peppers, etc. Spermidine plays a large role in the function of cells, as well as healthy and natural cellular growth. It can be taken as a supplement.

Now you know a little more about what spermidine is, but that still leaves the question of what it can do. Below is information on where it came from, what it does, more foods that it is often found in, and more. Keep reading to learn more about spermidine!


Spermidine was discovered way back in 1678 by a scientist named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. However, it wasn’t until the 20th century that the true structure and purpose of spermidine were established. Spermidine is an essential component of the cells of every living thing. It helps cells to continue to grow and reproduce naturally and healthily.

It is not a polyamine that is talked about very much in the worlds of medicine and biology. But without spermidine, cells could not continue to grow and develop properly. It is considered to be a helpful agent against major diseases such as cancer and heart disease, and it is used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Spermidine has been proven to be excellent for improving overall health. Having a diet full of spermidine is going to help your cells remain healthy and continue to grow and thrive the way they ought to. Let’s talk a little more about spermidine, what it does, where you can find it, and all the health benefits you can expect from it. There might be a few here that will surprise you!

Mechanism of Action

The primary functions of spermidine are to reduce cellular damage and to greatly promote cellular renewal. It is even suggested that spermidine in the correct amounts is capable of improving a person’s cognition and helping their mind be clearer. Taking it will greatly improve the functions and roles of all the cells in your body.

Spermidine is also known for delaying aging in humans. Now, before you run out and buy some, you should know that it’s not a magical drug that will keep you looking young and healthy forever. However, it has been shown in several studies to decrease the mortality rate. People who have a spermidine-heavy diet have also been shown to age more slowly and to have decreased risks of cardiovascular and cancer-related deaths.

Where Can You Buy Spermidine

Spermidine is a natural “substance” that can be found in your body and many other living organisms. It is most commonly found in the fruits, vegetables, and grains you eat. However, there are plenty of places that sell a variety of spermidine capsules and spermidine supplements that have various uses.

These supplements can be found at plenty of drugstores and pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS. It can even be found at larger stores such as Target, Walmart, and Sam’s Club. When in doubt, a quick Google search should be able to help you to find a store near you that stocks spermidine supplements.

If you would rather add spermidine to your diet in a more natural way, buy some produce or protein. There is a lot of spermidine to be found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, peas, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and many, many others. You can also eat things like fish, turkey, pork, aged cheese, and sauerkraut to get your daily dose of spermidine. Keeping a good amount of spermidine in your diet is always wise.

What Conditions Does it Treat?

Spermidine has never been used as the sole treatment for any major diseases, but it has been proven to help in the detainment of many serious illnesses. Spermidine helps cells grow and renew themselves, but it also minimizes the damage that cells are often exposed to.

Spermidine has anti-inflammatory properties, which, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), could make a serious difference in bodies that are trying to fight diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). It has also been shown to greatly assist in fighting off cardiovascular conditions and protecting from them as well.

The NCBI has also declared spermidine to be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer. Because it is a natural product of the body, spermidine has overall health-improving properties that will be a safeguard against many major causes of death (including the ones listed).

Who Takes it?

Technically, anybody can take spermidine. It is a common supplement taken by older adults who might be slightly more prone to life-threatening diseases than younger people are. If you feel you are at risk of getting cancer in your older years (especially if it has plagued several family members), taking a spermidine supplement may not be a bad idea.

You will also find that spermidine is prescribed for those who are fighting the aforementioned cardiovascular issues or nerve and tissue-related diseases like MS. Taking spermidine can seriously help preserve and protect your body against these diseases, as well as increase your life expectancy.

Older adults whose cognitive abilities might start to wane over the years may want to consider taking spermidine, as it can help their cognitive abilities. It may or may not be effective, depending on their current cognitive abilities, but it can never hurt to try. It may slow the loss of their cognitive abilities, which means they won’t need as much care in their old age.

Who May Want to Take Spermidine?

Who may want to take spermidine? Everybody! Technically, everybody does take spermidine regularly if they’re eating right. Spermidine is found in a lot of the foods we eat. It is a common component of mostly vegetables, some meats, and even a few kinds of cheese (usually aged cheese).

If those things are a part of your regular diet, then it’s likely that you’re already getting a good amount of spermidine into your body already. A lot of doctors out there recommend supplements as part of a healthy diet. Spermidine supplements are available far and wide (at least in the U.S.). If you so desire, you can take your pick of supplements and incorporate them into your diet as you see fit.

Who Shouldn’t Take Spermidine?

According to professionals, no one should avoid including spermidine in their diet. The NCBI has declared it perfectly safe for people of all ages, the elderly included. The health benefits of spermidine far outweigh any other dangerous possibilities. You can take spermidine with perfect ease of mind.

If you have preexisting conditions or are taking multiple medications for various reasons, consult with your doctor before making spermidine a regular part of your daily routine/diet and before you start taking spermidine supplements.

There are spermidine supplements of various types, and your doctor will be able to help you find the best type of spermidine supplement for you and how much you should take. If you are wanting to add those, just talk to your doctor and make sure there’s nothing you need to be worried about by taking spermidine. There are plenty of health benefits to taking it, so there should be nothing you need to concern yourself with.

Common Side Effects

It may sound too good to be true, but there are no known side effects of taking spermidine. As we have seen, spermidine is a natural substance and it’s a part of all of us. You consume it in the vegetables, cheeses, meats, and even some of the grains you eat. Because our bodies are not only accustomed to it but need it as well, spermidine will not induce side effects.

Spermidine has undergone extensive testing by various scientists and corporations. No negative side effects have been discovered as of yet. It may be slightly more effective in some people than in others (especially depending on the condition of a person’s health), but that doesn’t mean there will be negative side effects of any kind.

Don’t forget, there is more than one way to increase the spermidine levels in your body. There are plenty of spermidine supplements out there that you can choose from and take. These are a remarkably easy way to increase your spermidine levels in comparatively little time.

If you feel nervous about taking spermidine supplements or you simply don’t want to add another capsule to your collection of pills, you can try it naturally. Try increasing the amount of spermidine-dense vegetables or proteins in your diet. There is such a wide variety of foods that have high spermidine content that will also improve your diet in other ways.

Essentially, as long as you are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that has plenty of protein and plants in it, you shouldn’t have to worry much about the spermidine content you are consuming. Doing this will not only increase spermidine in your body, but it will also provide you with plenty of other health benefits such as antioxidants and healthy vitamins.

How Much Does it Cost?

There are a variety of spermidine supplements out there, and they sometimes bring different prices. Most spermidine products will cost anywhere from $28 to $100. Where you buy it from does make a difference. At Walmart, there are products available for around $50-$60.

On Amazon, you will find a larger variety as far as cost goes. There are pills for $30 and there are also some for $100. Buy whatever you can afford, but make sure you’ve done your research and you know exactly what you need. Again, if you need to, you can consult a physician and get some professional insight on what you need/should be taking.

Most Important Research Paper

Oddly enough, spermidine is one of the less-talked-about parts of the medical world. However, the NCBI has many databases that contain plenty of information on this substance.

Should Healthy People Take Spermidine?

The next question we need to address is should healthy people take spermidine? It doesn’t matter whether you’re old, young, healthy, or unhealthy, spermidine won’t hurt you because it is a natural product of the human body. It has anti-aging elements that delay the aging process and seriously decrease your chances of dying early.

Even if you are healthy, it’s okay to feel the need to safeguard yourself against things like cancer, MS, diabetes, and other diseases. Taking spermidine can improve your overall health and increase your longevity. Even if you are healthy, taking spermidine can’t hurt in this regard.

However, the question of whether you need to take spermidine if you are perfectly healthy is another thing. If you have gotten a healthy diet down to a perfect science and you feel like your best self, there is probably no need to start taking spermidine. It can be tricky to remember to take your supplements, and adding another one to the pile might be unnecessary.

At the end of the day, it’s your choice as to whether you take spermidine or not. It’s not always necessary, especially if you feel you’re in good enough shape that you don’t need it at all. However, if you feel the need to add some extra healthy safeguards to your daily routine, spermidine is a safe place to start.

Do Diabetics Who Take Spermidine Live Longer than Non-Diabetics?

There are currently no statistics on this particular spermidine-related issue. All that is known about spermidine is that it should improve your overall health. However, spermidine has been used as a treatment against type 2 diabetes, so if you are a type 2 diabetic, you may live slightly longer than other type 2 diabetics that don’t take spermidine supplements.